Help Using Brain Based Therapies
Finally, an approach that may actually solve your problem!
What if there was a safe, non-invasive system in Evansville that could improve conditions like ADD, Depression and Anxiety for good and even eliminate the need for medications?
What if you could better control your thoughts and feelings, or be in complete command of your emotions and mood – in any situation?
Neurofeedback Brain Based Therapy Can Help!
Our Evansville office offers a non-drug approach that can improve your quality of life dramatically. Imagine getting better sleep, improving memory, having more energy or being more alert and focused? Neurofeedback can do all of this and more!
Conditions Clinically Responsive To Neurofeedback:

Your Brain Is Like A Symphony:
It Needs To Be In Tune To Function Properly.
Your brain is a complex organ with hundreds of actions taking place every minute. Much like a symphony, when all musicians are in sync the sound is harmonious. But if one musician is out of tune, the overall sound is affected. Brainwaves operate in much the same way, working together to keep your mind and body in sync and running smoothly. But if any of your brainwaves are off, it can impact your entire system negatively.
If You Live Near Evansville, Neurofeedback Can Help Tune The Brain Safely.
Neurofeedback is a computer based method for teaching the brain to function in a more balanced and healthful way. It does so by shifting the way the brain produces and distributes its electrical energy. The goal is to improve the brain’s ability to self-regulate, maintain flexibility, and smoothly shift between different states.

Why We offer Brain Based Therapies
Many patients in the Evansville area have come to us after seeing their primary physician, who only offered drugs for their symptoms. But drugs do not work very well on neurological problems. We know all too well that the root cause often lies in the brain. In our experience, once a patient sees their customized brain map, it becomes very clear how to address those issues using our particular therapies.

The QEEG Brain Map.
Accurately Identify Problems In The Brain.

The heart of our system is the Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG), also known as a brain map. This non-invasive tool allows us to precisely identify the areas of your brain that are not running optimally. The QEEG is designed to objectively and scientifically evaluate a person’s brainwave patterns and takes the guesswork out of determining a person’s condition.
The procedure consists of placing a snug cap on the head. Embedded within the cap are 12 small sensors that are designed to measure and record electrical activity (or brainwaves) coming from the brain. These sensors DO NOT put any electrical current into the brain – they simply record signals coming from the brain.
Frequently Asked Questions in Evansville IN
How Can Neurofeedback Work On So Many Conditions?
Many brain issues are caused by irregular brainwaves. Neurofeedback works because it does not directly target any conditions and symptoms…It corrects irregular brainwaves and modifies timing patterns in the brain. This is achieved through multiple neurofeedback sessions, where the brain is re-trained into making normal patterns. The result is an improvement in brain regulation, which then impacts a variety of symptoms.
Is Neurofeedback Dangerous?
Absolutely not! Neurofeedback is safe because it is non-invasive, requires no drugs and does not produce any radiation like a CT scan does. The goal of neurofeedback is to identify irregular brainwave patterns and make very subtle corrections. With multiple sessions, the brain will learn to self-regulate.
Are Drugs Needed?
No. Neurofeedback does not require anything more than your attention for 30 minutes per session. In fact, with each successful session you can start eliminating any medications you are taking.
A Brain Map Sounds Scary. Does It Hurt?
No! A brain map is simply a surface scan of your scalp which picks up the electrical impulses we call brainwaves. We do use conductive paste, but there are no shocks, no pain and no discomfort. All you do is stare at the wall for 6 minutes with your eyes open, and six minutes with your eyes closed. The computer does the rest.
Why Haven’t I heard of Neurofeedback?
It’s been in use since the 1970’s. With the advancement of computer technology neurofeedback has been able to move from laboratory research to a system that can be administered in an office setting.

Video Testimonials
We have many patient success stories to share with you. Neurofeedback has had a positive impact on so many people, who now have a drug free and non-invasive alternative for treatment of common ailments. Click the button below for these success stories, told from the people who changed their lives with neurofeedback.
Tristate Neurofeedback Blog Articles

Former Denver Broncos Seek Concussion Relief Through Neurofeedback
Watch the full video here: https://denver.cbslocal.com/video/3357593-new-technology-shows-promise-dealing-with-brain-injuries About a dozen former Denver Broncos, some from the Orange Crush era, are taking part in a research study they say is helping them recover from post-concussion symptoms and traumatic brain injuries. They believe those injuries were suffered during their playing days. The process uses Neurofeedback to “Re-train” the […]

Anxiety: Why Neurofeedback Works So Well
Do you have panic attacks for seemingly no reason? Are you so worried about being judged by others or embarrassed that it stops you from engaging in social situations? Are you so scared of heights, flying, or something else that it causes you to avoid things in your daily life? Does stress cause you to […]
Overcoming ADHD Without Medications: Why Neurofeedback Works
Attention-deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in America today. It’s not hard to see why, as the symptoms associated with a diagnosis are very common in many other problems: Distracted, impulsive, lack of attention or focus, can’t sit still, anger issues, etc. Individually these symptoms can […]
Video: Understanding ADHD And Neurofeedback
ADD/ADHD is not a psychological or disciplinary problem – it’s a brain problem. Watch how to improve ADD with neurofeedback. If you are interested in finding out what’s going on inside your brain, then call (419) 358-4627 today to schedule YOUR Brain Map!
Neurofeedback To Improve Athletic Performance
During the last decade the use of Neurofeedback techniques to achieve a better athletic performance has been a booming subject. More and more athletes use mental training each day as a means of achieving the ultimate competitive edge. One of the most well-known examples is the Italian football team that won the 2004 World Cup […]
Neurofeedback Help For Depression
Compelling research evidence exists that there is often a neurophysiological basis for depression, particularly in people with a family history of depression. Neuroscientists have discovered a particular brainwave pattern that allows us to identify individuals with a biological predisposition for developing depression. This biological marker appears to be very robust (Davidson, 1998a, b), having been […]

Contact Us
Tristate Neurofeedback Center
Evansville Office
120 N Fulton Ave Suite B
Evansville IN 47710
(812) 303-0369
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Office Hours
Monday | 7:30 am – 5:30 pm |
Tuesday | 8 am – 5:30 pm |
Wednesday | 7:30 am – 6 pm |
Thursday | 8:30 am – 5:30 pm |
Friday | 7:30 am – Noon |
Saturday | By Appointment |